Posts tagged group
New paper on vertical structure of poleward energy flux
- 22 February 2021
PhD student Chris Cardinale leads this new paper “Stratospheric and Tropospheric Flux Contributions to the Polar Cap Energy Budgets”, now accepted in Journal of Climate.
In this, Chris’s first peer-reviewed publication, we look at the detailed temporal and vertical structure of the poleward fluxes of moist static energy using the NASA-MERRA-2 reanalysis. We are interested in separating the effects of stratospheric and tropospheric circulations on the total poleward energy transport, as well as the differing impacts of these circulations on the energy budget of the polar regions.

Two new PhD positions available!
- 19 October 2020
I’m happy to announce that I will be recruiting two new graduate students for fully funded PhD positions in my group starting Fall 2021. Both projects are funded on new grants from the National Science Foundation, involve exciting opportunities for cutting edge science and interdisciplinary training, and will result in significant contributions back to the open-source scientific software community.
Details about both opportunities follow.
Brian Rose receives tenure at UAlbany
- 04 June 2019
Hello world, I got some good news today: promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.
Lance Rayborn appointed as Research Associate at PNNL
- 23 January 2018
Rose group alum Lance Rayborn (MS 2017) is now working as Research Associate at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). He is working with Dr. Hui Wan, Dr. Balwinder Singh and Dr. Phil Rasch on atmospheric model development and evaluation of DoE’s E3SM (Energy Exascale Earth System Model) at PNNL. This will primarily consist of verifying/improving cloud and turbulence parameterizations as well as establishing efficient strategies for testing/analyzing the model.
Rose group @ AGU!
- 08 December 2017
Our climate dynamics group will be traveling in New Orleans next week to share some recent research and catch up with all our colleagues at the AGU Fall Meeting 2017!
Here are abstract numbers and links for all our contributions:
Cameron Rencurrel completes his MS thesis
- 16 February 2017
Cameron Rencurrel has successfully completed and defended his thesis for the MS (Master of Science) degree, and is the second graduate from our group! Cameron is staying to continue on to his PhD.
Cameron’s thesis is entitled Understanding Climatic Adjustments to Variations in Tropical Ocean Heat Transport. It is a follow-up study to Rose and Ferreira (2013, J. Climate). The tropical oceans take up vast amounts of energy through air-sea heat fluxes, especially in the equatorial regions dominated by wind-driven upwelling of cold water. Over long time periods, this tropical heat uptake is roughly balanced by heat release from the ocean to the atmosphere in other regions closer to the poles.
Lance Rayborn completes his MS thesis
- 01 December 2016
Lance Rayborn has successfully completed and defended his thesis for the MS (Master of Science) degree, and is the first graduate from our group!
Lance’s thesis is entitled Understanding the Dependence of Radiative Feedbacks and Clouds on the Spatial Structure of Ocean Heat Uptake. It is a follow-up study to Rose et al. (2014, GRL). Lance used a variety of analysis techniques including radiative kernels to carefully compare the response of several different climate models to specific imposed patterns of ocean heat uptake. In particular, the study aims to draw specific causal links between spatial patterns of heat uptake under transient global warming and cloud processes that shape the overall global climate sensitivity.
New paper by Rose and Rayborn on effects of ocean heat uptake
- 26 August 2016
The latest paper from our group has been accepted for publication in Current Climate Change Reports. We wrote this piece at the invitation of the section editor Mark Zelinka.
The paper is Rose and Rayborn, “The effects of ocean heat uptake on transient climate sensitivity”. It deals with the phenomenon of time-dependent climate sensitivity, and explores some compelling new ideas about connections between the oceans, atmospheric radiation, and global cloud cover that determine climate sensitivity. Our paper includes substantial review as well as some interesting original results and speculations.
Cameron Rencurrel and Lance Rayborn awarded summer research fellowships
- 20 April 2016
Two of our graduate students have been awarded funded fellowships to attend computational research workshops in Summer 2016.
Cameron Rencurrel will travel to NCAR in Boulder Colorado to attend the Dynamical Core Model Intercomparion Project (DCMIP) Summer School on Future-Generation Non-Hydrostatic Weather and Climate Models. This will include two weeks of lectures and workshops on the theory, design and development of next-generation numerical models for atmospheric simulation. Sponsors include NCAR, NOAA, NASA, NSF, DOE, and the WMO.
Water vapor paper posted online
- 23 March 2016
Our latest paper: The vertical structure of tropospheric water vapor: comparing radiative and ocean-driven climate changes, by Rose and Rencurrel, is in press for Journal of Climate. See previous post for a description. The preprint is now available online from my publication page, or directly from Journal of Climate.
Water vapor paper accepted in J. Climate
- 14 March 2016
Our latest paper: The vertical structure of tropospheric water vapor: comparing radiative and ocean-driven climate changes, by Rose and Rencurrel, is now accepted for publication in Journal of Climate.
The paper looks at rates of change of precipitable water with surface temperature in a suite of simulations driven by different combinations of greenhouse gas forcing and prescribed ocean heat uptake. We find fractional rates ranging between 3.6 and 11 %/K globally. These results seem at first glance to suggest substantial departures from Clausius-Clapeyron scaling, but actually result from different spatial patterns of temperature change and nearly fixed relative humidity.
Our group goes to AGU!
- 11 December 2015
Our climate dynamics group will shortly be traveling to San Francisco to share some recent research and catch up with all our colleagues at the AGU Fall Meeting 2015!
Here are abstract numbers and links for all our contributions:
Brian Rose receives NSF Career grant
- 19 August 2015
I am very pleased to announce that I have received a 5-year grant from the National Science Foundation under their Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER).
The grant is entitled CAREER: Understanding the role of oceans in the planetary energy budget. It will provide critical support for our group’s work studying the connections ocean heat uptake and transport and atmospheric processes (dynamical, radiative, hydrological) controlling the top-of-atmosphere radiation balance.
New paper submitted
- 17 July 2015
New paper submitted to Journal of Climate: The vertical structure of tropospheric water vapor: comparing radiative and ocean-driven climate changes, by Rose and Rencurrel.
Welcome Lance Rayborn
- 14 May 2015
Graduate student Lance Rayborn has joined our group. Lance will be working on understanding links between ocean heat uptake and cloud feedback under global warming scenarios.
Welcome Cameron Rencurrel
- 26 August 2014
Welcome to my new graduate student Cameron Rencurrel, who comes to U. Albany from Texas A&M. He can be found in ES 346.
PhD positions available
- 05 December 2013
Positions are available for new Ph.D. students in my research group, staring Fall 2014. Please email me for details!